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Moving is Tough | Photos of New Warehouse

Moving is tough. No matter how well you plan things out, there always seems to be something that causes a stir, gets left behind, or just plain jumps out and surprises you. As you may be aware, BatteryStuff recently completed a move that relocated us across town. As of today, we are all waiting with baited breath for Murphy to show up, but so far, so good. In fact, our total disruption of service due to the move was only about 4 hours. With that, we can be confident that our customer service is still world class and our move was nearly seamless.

With our recent expansion from a smaller warehouse into this much larger facility, we are excited about the prospects of adding more products, even better service, and more staff to take care of our customers. Be looking forward to an increased rollout of new tutorials, more comprehensive product testing, and increased product range. If you do happen across a new product that we ought to be offering but are not, drop us a line and we will see what can be done. Some of our best products have come to us via customer suggestion.

We also have some new features planned for our website, including an even easier battery lookup system and a more complete knowledge base. These changes should be live on the site by spring, and will only add to our ability to look after our customers. is the premier battery information site on the web, and that will only get better with these upcoming changes.  

Thanks for reading,

Check out the gallery of the new warehouse!

FaceBook Moving Album Thumbnails

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